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Ancient Chinese Pottery
by None |
12 | Date: 1980-06-26
Painted earthen ware jar from Kansu Province, China 2500 - 2000 B.C.Painted pottery made between 2,300 to 1,000 B.C. in Northwestern China is featured in a 1ew exhibition now through July at the Asian Art Museum of San in Golden Gate Park.Seventeen pots of striking design, some never before displayed, are included in the exhibition, which presents objects from the Museum’s own \very Brundage Collection, as well as Stanford University Muand from anonymous enders. Foyer Gallery.The variety of sizes shapes and designs of these “New Stone pots, excavated from graveyards, residential sites, and refuse heaps of the Northwestern provinces of Kansu and Tsinghai demonstrate China’s earliest directions and point to the art of the centuries to follow.The exhibition includes photographs and text explaining the sites and background of these early pots and how they were made.The Asian Art Museum is open every day from 10 am. to 5 pm. Admission is one dollar for adults; 50¢ and seniors admitted free. On the first day of each month, the museum is free for everyone.
“Feet” to Unbind June 28
by Kathy Kong |
12 | Date: 1980-06-26
Feet: Top, left to right: Nancy Hom, Merle Woo, Genny Lim, Canyon. Bottom, I. to r. : Kitty Tsui and Nellie Wong.Unbound Feet, a group of six Chinese-American women writers from.the Bay Area, will perform an evening of original prose, poetry and drama on Saturday, June 28, at 8 p.m. at La Pena Cultural Center, 3109 Shattuck Avenue in Berkeley. Admission is $3. Unbound Feet was formed a year ago by Nancy Hom, Merle Woo, Genny Lim, Kitty Tsui, Nellie Wong, and a young writer who goes by the name of Canyon. Five of the six have been published, and all were experienced in public reading of their works long before they came togther for their first joint performance last summer at the Oakland Museum. They have also appeared at the Asian/Pacific American Women’s Conference in Los and at the Mission Culural Center in San Francisco. .Their June 28 performance entitled “Yellow Daughters,” will eature mostly new material, and will depend more on the words themselves than on special effects of costumes, lighting or choreography. All members of the group consider themselves feminists, and feminist themes with an Asian-American angle will be the focus.Nellie Wong, 45, is the senior member of the group. Like her brother Bill Wong of the Oakland Tribune, and. her sister Leslie Yee, she has long been active Oakland Asian Program Committee.“This performance will probably have two groups of poems, then some monologues.” says Nellie, who works full-time as a corporate secratary. “We'll start and end the show with the poem ‘Unbound Feet’, which was written by Genny and myself. Poems like this are a good way for women to be able to talk about their experiences. We have to fight against the sterotype of Hollywood’s Asian image. There has not been enough lit-erature about us.” Wong the author of a book of poems, Dreams in Harrisbn Railroad Park, that sold out all 1,250 copies printed in 1977 and 1978.The name Feet,” says came about “because we thought of our fore mothers who had their feet bound. It lasted over a thousand years. It was considered a mark of beauty. It happened as late as the 1920's.”Canyon, a 24-year-old electrician, is the youngest member of the group. “The phrase ‘UnI bound Feet’ has a lot of meaning for me,” she explains, “because not that far away . It's not like Asian women have been free a long time. My grandmother had bound feet, and she couldn’t get around. Women of my mother's generation were very and talented, allowed to go to school.”She adds that Loni Ding, producer of the nationally syndiated, Asian American children’s public telivision show “Bean Sprouts,” has made a film of “Unbound Feet” to be distributed in schools.Canyon wanted to become a writer while in high school, “but I didn’t know how to I haven't considered myself a writer for more than a year.”She finds writing to be a form of release. think when socially conditioned in a certain way, which is to be quiet and demure, it means you inward. “Unbound Feet” gives me achance to express myself asan Asian-American woman of the 1980's.